Eye Exams 101

Eye Exams 101

Regular comprehensive eye exams are key to early detection of eye related diseases to keep you seeing your best every day. Adults should have a comprehensive eye exam every 1-2 years. Children should have an eye exam as early as 6 months, before they start school, and...
Cataracts Awareness: What You Need to Know

Cataracts Awareness: What You Need to Know

Cataracts occur when the lens in one or both of your eyes becomes cloudy. Usually this happens with age, and the condition is very common in older people. More than half of all Americans will experience symptoms of cataracts by the time they reach 80.   Why Does...
FAQ: Vision Therapy for Your Family

FAQ: Vision Therapy for Your Family

Vision therapy is often misunderstood. It has been misrepresented as some people have taken ideas about how vision works, coupled with real medical concepts, and tried to make their own vision “cures” while calling them “vision therapy.” Vision therapy is no one cure,...
Take Advantage of Savings and Flexibility

Take Advantage of Savings and Flexibility

Navigating healthcare benefits and wellness perks can be tricky. Often the details are quite specific and involve websites or pamphlets than need to be studied to know what’s available to you. Flex Spending is one area that is often asked about, but under-utilized....